The Italian Villa

The Best Wedding Trends of 2017

The Best Wedding Trends of 2017

Years of dreaming will have brought you to this one moment – your wedding day. You’ll want everything to be just as you imagined, but the hard part is tying it all together beautifully to create a picture perfect event that you will both cherish. There are so...
The Top 20 Surprise Wedding Dances

The Top 20 Surprise Wedding Dances

Marriages create the time-honoured union between a loving couple, and so much more. Without them we’d never be able to describe someone’s enthusiastic musical motions as being like a ‘dad dancing at a wedding’, and a world without would forever be a far less lovely...

How to Find the Perfect Corporate Venue to Hire

You’ve been tasked with setting up a corporate event and there’s a list as long as your arm of tasks to research, plan and put in place. One of the most important – and first – jobs is to find the venue for the event. Until you have this arranged you can’t publicise...
How to Plan a Corporate Event

How to Plan a Corporate Event

A successful corporate event is all about planning, planning and more planning. It’s a task for those who love being incredibly organised and are able to think of every possible eventuality with the ability to put measures in place to prevent anything going wrong. For...