1. Event registration
Arriving at a company event to find yourself in a long queue is frustrating. When your turn comes, the lists will be checked to find your booking, perhaps a badge issued and then a document signed for fire regulations. It’s a time-consuming task and for the organisers it can even delay the start of the event.

There’s nothing more frustrating for the person tasked with opening the event to have those who were late check-ins disturbing proceedings and the solution is tablet based software. Electronic registration is quick and smooth and means that attendees can use tablets to check-in themselves and then find their seat. It means no more paper lists and other than a member of staff to help with enquiries, no long line of staff seated at a table laboriously asking for delegate details. Combined with pre-registration forms, this kind of software can also offer a beneficial database which in turn can be used for future email marketing campaigns.
2. Social seating
Seating should never be left to chance. With the use of seating apps, delegates can be allocated seating based on social connections which means their networking experience will be hugely enhanced.

3. One page websites
Offering a one page website to direct interested delegates to a company event is a beneficial aspect which enhances the decision as to whether initial interest becomes a conversion. One page websites should offer all the relevant information without the need to click and click again. Concise, relevant and informative, the page should offer the following:
- when and where
- registration call to action
- responsive design
- event speakers
- sponsors
- event schedule
- event media
- latest news as the event draws closer
- venue map
- contact details
All these elements mean that everything anyone needs to know is in one place and all they need to do is register. Effortless for the delegate and a positive experience before they have even arrived.
4. Live slide sharing
With live slide sharing, the slides being used by the speakers are pushed to the smartphones or tablets of the delegates. With the slides on a second screen, attention and focus is kept, the slides are instantly available at any time after the event and the education experience is one that attendees will enjoy.

5. Live analytic feedback
Knowing the feelings of the room during a company event can be evident when things are going really well – or not particularly well at all. With live analytic feedback apps, the happiness of those attending can instantly be checked through heat mapping and live preferences. The outcome is that direction can be changed as the event progresses as and when required rather than it being a pre-agreed timetable set in stone. Organising company events without benefitting from today’s technology means that there are opportunities being missed. Those planning the schedule should always focus on how to ensure the overall event stands out so much that there is a proactive desire to repeat participation as soon as possible in the future. The use of technology means smooth delivery of the event and being able to gauge attendee feedback quickly and then utilise the information to the benefit of all.